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Jedi Training Begins

My Jedi training began like most- I received my acceptance letter to Hogwarts.

Or, rather, I received notice that a smaller version Hogwarts much more akin to a family foundation in Northeastern Indiana was starting a new young philanthropists' organization and were looking for applicants.

So, pretty much the same.

Anyway, this foundation wanted young people from the youth pods (like P.U.L.S.E.) to be a part of a committee that oversaw all the youth pods, offered feedback on future direction, and helped to plan the biennial conference, which was a big deal. They called it phish- philanthropic ideas, strategy, and heart. I applied, drew a comic strip for my application, and then received notification that I was in! I was still fairly new to this whole "philanthropy thing" but go big or go home, ya know?

So I did it. It was difficult sometimes, fun often. I made a ton of friends, came out of my shell a bit more. And I learned so, so much. But I'll tell you about that later. Next post, I'm going to start in on what I've been learning while working in the field more professionally (read: paid internship.) And I'll weave in the rest of my story as we go!

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